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GEOLOGIST - GEOLOGY - Earth Sciences

Scientific explorer of the Earth, the geologist observes, samples and analyzes the earth's crust. This geoscientist studies the composition, structure, physics, history and evolution of our planet and its soil.

Geology is the science which historically dealt with the description and history of the outer layers of the Earth.
It has traditionally been interested in the composition, structure and evolution of the surface and superficial layers of the crust which, during geological processes, are sometimes buried below the surface, sometimes exposed at the surface.

Since the "60s", with the discovery of plate tectonics by a geophysical method (rock magnetism).
Geologists are now also interested in deeper areas of the earth's crust, Geophysics and geology are two different sciences but there are areas of overlap of one within the other ... The result is a mixing of ideas beneficial for all Earth sciences.

Geological sciences include several overlapping and often associated disciplines:

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  • Geology and Physical Geology, which describes in geological terms the view that geophysics provides of the Earth;

  • Structural or tectonic geology is the science which studies the deformations of the Earth and the structures of the Earth's crust produced by orogenic movements and by the movements of the Earth's plates;

  • Paleontology studies fossils, that is, the fossilized remains of the many forms of life that have inhabited the Earth.

  • Sedimentology studies the phenomena of rock erosion and the deposition of debris in the form of sediments,

  • Petrology is concerned with the origin, formation and evolution of rocks, as well as their description.

  • Mineralogy studies the nature, composition and crystal structure of minerals and relates to both geology and crystallography, the latter being part of physics;

  • Geomorphology is interested in the origin and evolution of relief, and more particularly in the processes that interact by shaping landscapes. Most often, geomorphology is classified among the geographic sciences.

  • Hydrogeology studies the geological aspects of hydrology,

  • Limnology is concerned with the study of continental waters and the organisms that live there; it concerns both geological and biological sciences; likewise, pedology , which constitutes the science of soils.

  • Volcanology studies the physico-chemical nature of volcanoes and their specific dynamics; it is classified both among the geological sciences and among the geophysical sciences,

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The geologist deciphers the secrets of the Earth, The geologist collects fragments of rock, fossils, takes gas at the top of a volcano. From microscope to aerial photography, he is interested as much in a sample of earth as in a uranium deposit.
The geologist is also looking for new deposits of raw material.
Observing and collecting materials is only part of the geologist's activities. He must also work in the laboratory, research documentation on the subject and propose new interpretations on the history of our planet. He has skills as a physicist, chemist and computer scientist. He can be assisted by a geological technician who takes samples to be studied (for probing and drilling) and performs chemical assays on the rocks. Field and laboratory work.

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Geology: Geological tools :

The tools of geologists can be very diverse such as: box, tweezers, magnifying glass, microscope, polariscope, refractometer, dichroscope, absorption spectroscope, ultraviolet lamps and filters ... all this is for analysis and conservation ... but to get these samples, what do you need?
You need legs, a trained eye, the map, a compass, a 10x magnifying glass… and typing tools to collect these samples.
Estwing makes geology tools for the professional; they are the most durable tools with in addition a beautiful aesthetic.

Les outils de collecte d'échantillons de géologie

To collect these samples you can use hammers and pickaxes geology , the hammers, chisels, pry bar to work hard ... But the gold pans gold panning will be also very useful for gold quite sure but for minerals heavy.

Estwing geologist hammers are:
- or with "nylon handle" with the exclusive process of Estwing "Shock Reduction Grip®"
- or with "leather handle" in riveted and varnished leather discs.

These geologist's hammers and pickaxes are usually
either with a pick ... or with a chisel (scaler) and with a flat head.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Some examples of geological hammers and picks, examples of hammers and chisels, and the various types of panning for gold.

Click on the image to be redirected to the corresponding page.

The basic hammers for the geologist:

: One of these hammers is the starting one ... it will follow you all your life. You can buy more, but one of these is essential. The same hammer available in several versions, vinyl handle with shock reducer or luxury leather handle.

Les marteaux de géologie indispensable
La référence en marteau de Géologie le E3-22P par Estwing
Marteau de Géologie le EO-22P Estwing l'Inoubliable avec son manche Orange
Marteau Estwing E30, Le luxe à portée de main

Peak hammer E3-22P the reference

900g tip hammer,
Blue vinyl handle.

Hammer EO-22P the same

than the E3-22P but unforgettable
with its orange handle

E30 Always the same hammer

but with handle made of leather rings, crimped varnished.

Estwing E30SE, série spéciale de marteau d'exception

The E30SE Hammer luxury always
with handle made of crimped, varnished leather rods.

Geology hammers for specific uses ...

always beautiful, stylish hammers, vinyl or leather handles to solve all your problems.

Marteaux de géologue pour des utilisations précises
Marteau à pointe E3-14P léger

Lightweight E3-14P Point Hammer

A big hammer for a child
600g only but of quality.

Marteau Estwing E3-23LP manche long Vinyle

Long handle hammer E3-23LP

Point, 42 cm vinyl handle
Weight 1kg, powerful strike

Marteau de géologie Estwing "BIG BLUE" E6-24PC

Big blue hammer E6-24PC

New series hammer with point
Head heavy 675g, total 900g

E3-WC - Marteau de géologue Pointe et tranchant. Manche vinyle

E3-WC - Geologist's hammer

Point and sharp. Vinyl handle
Weight 650g length 28 cm.

Marteau égrisseur Estwing

E3-20PC Geology Hammer

Several hammers with different head weights. Vinyl handle.

Marteau égriseur big-Blue E6-22BLC

Big-Blue E6-22BLC Chipping Hammer

A powerful hammer from the new range. Vinyl handle.

Estwing GP100 Pickaxe

Lightweight-durable-aesthetic blue GP100 pickaxe.

Pioche Estwing Burpee Pick: BP500

Burpee Pick: BP500

Geologist's pickaxe with vinyl handle.

Massettes and geology chisels:

For the geologist or the researcher-collector of minerals the chisel and the hammer are essential.
When the rock is hard; there are 4 chisels at Estwing to get out of all situations.
Many mallets will allow you to strike hard on these rock chisels.

Massette et burin de géologue
Burins à pointe ou à ciseau Estwing
Massette Estwing manche vinyle
Marteau-masse Estwing de 1,6 kg,  E6-48E
Barre à mines Estwing GP18

Four Estwing ERC-7C chisels,

Pointed or chisel chisels.

Estwing mallets B3-3LB

Various weight and length of
mallets, vinyl handle.

1.6 kg Estwing hammer,

E6-48E - Heavy geology sledge long handle vinyl handle

Estwing GP18 mine bar

To leverage to pull your minerals, light bar

Research by heavy metal geologist:

Panning for gold on water points makes it possible to search for and collect gold and heavy metals.
Different dimensions and materials.

A la recherche de métaux lourds avec les batées d'orpaillage
Bâtées plastique Estwing
Les "escaliers" appelés riffles permettent de retenir l'or
bâtées métal Estwing

Estwing: beauty, efficiency, durability, balance.

The most durable hand tools have been made since 1923 by the Estwing family.
Estwing equipment ... a quality reference for geologist tools,
The tools are forged in one piece from very high quality steel. The molded nylon or crimped leather handles are made by a process that allows for a very long service life.

All tools with nylon handles are now produced with the new Estwing shockproof system. The reduction of vibrations due to impacts and transmitted in the handles of the tools is the best solution on the market.

The price of the tools is HT

Postage: Free postage from 100 € HT (Metropolitan France).
Below 100 € HT ==> 9.25 € HT or 11.10 € TTC

Livraison rapide et gratuite pour la France dès 100€ HT

Free delivery for mainland France.

Free shipping from 100 € Ht Regardless of the size or weight of the package,

Quick expedition:
During the week if the order is placed before 11:30 am we try to ship it the same day. WE orders are shipped Monday and Monday orders are shipped Tuesday.

Carried out by colissimo post in 48 hours

See shipping costs.

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Our store is fully encrypted thanks to an SSL protection system .. HTTPS: //

The information of visitors to the site is encrypted and therefore more secure.

Secure shopping:
When you are redirected to the payment pages, from our partners PayPal and Stripe, the transaction is perfectly secure! (always https: //)

See paypal site
see stripe site

Service client ESTWING-FRANCE au 0450422975

Customer service:
Customer service is open:
Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Phone: (+33) (0) 4 50 42 29 75
In case of no answer do not hesitate to try again ... or mail.

Come to the store:
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday
9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday to Friday or by appointment.

See: Who are we?

Estwing-France applique la loi Hamon

Hamon law, consumer protection :

Many chapters including

The right of withdrawal: It only applies to natural persons.

In accordance with Articles L. 120-20, the consumer has a period of fourteen (14) calendar days to return, at his expense, the products that do not suit him. This period runs from the day of receipt of the consumer's order.

For more information: See CGV ; See FAQ
See Confidentiality

Ricestone-France - 343 rue du Mont Blanc, 01630 St Genis Pouilly, France Tel 04 50 42 29 75
St Genis Pouilly is a small village in France just near Geneva (Switzerland).

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