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Amérindiens, Indiens d'Amérique, Indiens, aborigènes ou encore Américains natifs

A thought for the Indians of A merica fighting with bows, arrows, h Aches and Tomahawks against the white invaders.

Hatchet, Ax, Tomahawk.

Hatchets, Axes, Tomahawk.
For cutting or throwing, use for the hunter, camper, trapper or just for brushing and chopping wood at home.

The ax of the Indians is the tomahawk , they used it both as a tool and as a weapon. See bottom of page
The tomahawk is still used in warfare, but luckily it's mostly used as a throwing ax.

There are now many ax and tomahawk throwing clubs in France. See article on ax throwing

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Estwing USA , takes the classics of the first and only inhabitants of America before European colonization.
He perfects them by giving them strength, balance and aesthetics.

We would like to point out to you: Since 2013 the Estwing range of Tomahawk "Black Eagle Tomahawks" and double-edged ax "Black Eagle Double Bit Axes". Forged from a single piece of premium American steel (like all Estwing tools), sturdy and yet very light! Available in three colors, all black, black with leather handle and blue.

knives and machetes we have made a special chapter.
another chapter is devoted exclusively to the
axes of building craftsmen.

Hache Estwing
Tomahawk Estwing
Hache de chasseur Estwing
Hache double tranchant
outils de fendage
hache de camping
Low Dog grand guerrier Sioux avec son Tomahawk

Estwing: beauty, efficiency, durability, balance.

The most durable hand tools have been made since 1923 by the Estwing family.
Estwing ... a quality benchmark for axes and tomahawks,
The tools are forged in one piece from very high quality steel. The molded nylon or crimped leather handles are made by a process that allows for a very long service life.

All tools with nylon handles are now produced with the new Estwing shockproof system. The reduction of vibrations due to impacts and transmitted in the handles of the tools is the best solution on the market.

Low Dog Large Sioux Warrior with his Tomahawk. c. 1881-1885

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The modern model retains the proportions of the Indian tomahawk but endows it with a reinforced tip opposite the blade.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In 1966, a former US Marines and WWII veteran would manufacture around 4000 tomahawks from 1966 to 1970, mainly sold to US forces in Vietnam.
Many US special forces units regularly use the tomahawk in Iraq or Afghanistan

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Tomahawk amerindien
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